Student Representatives to the Board of Regents

Student Representatives to the Board of Regents present the student voice to the Board, bringing their perspective to the Board's deliberations.

Student Representatives are non-voting members who participate on the Audit & Compliance, Finance & Operations, and Mission Fulfillment committees. They are invited to provide input to the full Board meetings, and present a report to the Board annually in March.

As defined by Board of Regents Policy: Student Representatives to the Board of Regents, eight students are selected for a one-year term by their campus student association. One student represents each of the Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Rochester campuses. Four students represent the Twin Cities campus, with at least one student being a member of the Council of Graduate Students or the Professional Student Government and at least two students being members of the Undergraduate Student Government. 

2024-2025 Student Representatives

Taiwo Aremu (Chair) – Twin Cities

Simon Moreno (Vice Chair) – Duluth

Lindsey Hause – Morris

Madison Hilliard – Crookston


Abiha Kashif – Twin Cities

Joscelyn Sturm Twin Cities

Pete Smith Twin Cities

Natalia Useche Paredes – Rochester